Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Son Games VBS 2008

I had the honor of organizing Vacation Bible School this year!! We went with a Olympic theme. Nicholas helped out with the PE/Activity area. Jacob and Kristen had a blast with each of their groups!! We had 85 kids total and received many compliments.


The elephants were a big hit at the circus. The kids were in awe at how big they are and that they could do all those tricks!!

Pictures from the circus!

Eating cotton candy at the circus!! MMMMM...Yummy

Circus Time!

Upon receiving free tickets from a friend the kids and I were off to the circus. The kids had a blast, but all I kept thinking was those poor animals. The clowns were a hoot and the ladies swinging from the ropes were quite scary to watch. Was a hot, but fun day!!

Starting again!!

Well, I am starting over again. Got a new camera for Christmas, my sister-in-law is now blogging, and had to show off the new addition to our family. In May we got Johnnie - our golden retriever. Steve, I, and the kids all decided it was time for a dog. We sat down, discussed what type of dog to get and decided a retriever was the best fit for our family. The kids love him and besides his puppy habits he is a pretty great dog. We couldn't be happier with the choice we made!!